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Halloween Tips and Tricks

Trick & Treat: How to stay on the protocol during the spookiest time of the year. Halloween can be a difficult time for anyone on the Ideal Protein Protocol, especially for those recovering from a sugar addiction. With every grocery store selling chocolates and candy, temptations are everywhere.

Here are a few easy tricks to help you treat yourself on Halloween while still complying with the Protocol. What is your favorite Ideal treat? Have your tried the chocolate rice crispy treat?. It can be chopped up into bite-sized pieces and eaten just like the small chocolate bars given out on Halloween. You can also pop the Chocolate Crispy Square in the microwave for 10-15 seconds and add a delicious melted chocolate texture to Square.

If you are craving chocolate covered candies or raisins, you may want to try Ideal Protein’s non- restricted chocolate soy puffs. They have a delicious chocolatey taste and a satisfying crunch, and they can be snacked one at a time. If these aren’t appealing options to you, try one of our drink mixes and make some popsicles. Combining the drink mix with the appropriate amount of water, stirring it, and pouring it into a popsicle mold and putting it in the freezer. Our favorite? Mix a Blueberry Crangrante drink with some muddled mint and freeze!

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